Last year, in honor of Cinco de Mayo, I tried to rent a donkey ... but
no such luck :(
This year, in honor of Cinco de Mayo, I tried to weasel my way out of a Market Research conference ...
but no such luck :(
So, instead of playing umpteen rounds of flip cup with my friends (while wearing a pancho, sporting a sombrero, and pretending to ride a horse-on-a-stick) I was out mingling for work (
sans costume).
After the conference, everyone was game for margaritas so we headed to a local Mexican joint and the next thing ya know, I find myself chattin' it up with this cute little Chinese man.
Our conversations went as such:
Chinese Man: Hi, my name is Sun :) I'm representing the Fangyuan Company.
(Shake hands)
Me: Hi, I'm Stacey. I'm here with Peanut Labs.
(Exchange business cards)
Me: I'm sorry, did you say your name was
Sun: Yes, my real is Manor Zhuang but no American pronounce right. So I go by Sun Wha. My English is very poor. This is my first trip to New York to make business.
Me: Well I think your English is great! You wouldn't want to hear my attempt at Chinese ;) Where are you staying?
Sun: The Chinese Consulate.
Me: Oh. Can't say I've ever been there.
Sun: Can you please tell me, what is this sour drink we drink?
Me: It's called a margarita.
Sun: Neat. This make me feel happiness. Can you please tell me more of your Western Culture?
Me: Absolutely! What would you like to know about?
Sun: Can you please first tell me, does it hurt to have metal stick in your nose?
Me: Oh, my nose pierce? Nope, doesn't hurt a bit!
Sun: And your husband, he does not mind it?
Me: Can't say I have a husband. But if I did, I would hope he would like it.
Sun: Why you no husband?
Me: Hmmmmm ... how long are you in town for? That may take a while to answer ;)
Sun: So, you no children then?
Me: Nope.
Sun: So you are not Morman?
Me: No, not Morman ...
not Morman at all. I like to drink the sour drink ;)
Sun: You clever funny! I do not get all your joke. But you make me happiness :)
These classic exchanges went on all night ...

... I have no clue what Sun is doing in this picture but it continues to crack me up!

After a few more sour drinks, Sun decided to "hang loose" and take off his suit coat and tie!

(In regards to "pre-picture rituals", I often times wonder why the Peace Sign is to the Chinese like "Say Cheeeese!" is to Americans ...
but I suppose that's a topic for a whole separate blog)
So, long story short ... I am meeting my new friend Sun tomorrow at the Chinese Consulate to talk about the capabilities of our two companies.
I thought maybe we could meet again at the Mexican joint to talk shop over another margarita (or ten) ... but
no such luck ;)