Friday, May 30, 2008

Thoughts on Sleeping

I'm not a very good sleeper ...
believe me, I've tried just about every trick in the book.

I know I could just call a doc and get meds to knock me out. Problem being: I know that the aforementioned doc will give me these meds ... and then tell me I shouldn’t drink when using. Given it’s technically summer now – who are we kidding here?!?!

My friend Jamie believes she has the remedy to my sleep issues:

“Count sheep, Stace. Each has to be dressed in a different outfit. And each has to do the limbo in a different way. Not one can be the same. By 10, I guarantee you’ll be out cold!

Let me tell ya, I have tried this alleged cure to tame my spaz brain but by 10, I might as well have been out buying cold beer ...
the parties in my head are off the hook!

For example, one time the sheep that came dressed as a lama invited his hippo friends. And the Marilyn Monroe-hippo called her rhino buddy who came "plus one" with a giraffe (obviously). And you just know shit’s gonna get weird when you’ve got a giraffe wearing jockey’s doing the limbo in your living room!!

Sometimes I party in my dreams with my animal friends until the wee hours of the morning. And just when the Zookeeper comes to break it all up, my mind calls it a night … finally ;)

(My friend Brandy illustrated this for me ... isn't she great?!?)

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