Where did it go?!?!?
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Bedroom Decor
Admittedly, way too much fun
as this is what I woke up to the next morning:

My boss,
who is equally mature as I am,
"gifted" me the Men's bathroom sign.
apparently I "gifted" myself the wine glass ...
the toilet paper hinge remains an enigma
Similar to the other signage in my apartment,
figured I'd put this one to good use as well.
I think the placement is rather fortuitous ;)

Monday, September 29, 2008
AdWeek Should Hire Me ;)
In case you're unable to read through the full article,
the gist is ...
gnomes rule :)

OK, So Maybe We Didn't Realize
the Gnome Would Be So Iconic
by Bob Garfield
Expedia, Travelocity and Orbitz can duel over marginal brand benefits, but clearly the stupid little garden gnome, with his little plaster tongue in his little plaster cheek, made Travelocity stand out in the crowd.
True, most consumers probably had no clue about the cultural joke behind the Roamin' Gnome, because the joke came from Europe, where prank kidnappings of déclassé garden statuary for ransom had become enough of a phenomenon to be immortalized in the 2001 French movie "Amelie." But in making that point, AdReview was merely showing off. As is now abundantly clear, understanding the genesis of the joke was unimportant; for the uninitiated, the advertising was initiation plenty.
We are long since on the record as saying we don't care what gets stolen from whom if no law is broken and the brand benefits. The expropriation of the traveling lawn ornament is, in that respect, quintessential. All of this is to say, considering the revenue generated to Travelocity by McKinney's campaign, sometimes it is best to pay us no heed.
Sometimes we're just quibbling while a gnome earns.
True, most consumers probably had no clue about the cultural joke behind the Roamin' Gnome, because the joke came from Europe, where prank kidnappings of déclassé garden statuary for ransom had become enough of a phenomenon to be immortalized in the 2001 French movie "Amelie." But in making that point, AdReview was merely showing off. As is now abundantly clear, understanding the genesis of the joke was unimportant; for the uninitiated, the advertising was initiation plenty.
We are long since on the record as saying we don't care what gets stolen from whom if no law is broken and the brand benefits. The expropriation of the traveling lawn ornament is, in that respect, quintessential. All of this is to say, considering the revenue generated to Travelocity by McKinney's campaign, sometimes it is best to pay us no heed.
Sometimes we're just quibbling while a gnome earns.
Moral of the story:
Never doubt my gnomies, people!
Moral of the story:
Never doubt my gnomies, people!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Anxious = Me
I would like the Presidential debate
to start right now!
I would also like it to start on time ...
Yesterday's coverage of the "Bailout Bill"
was a bunch a bunk!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Countdown to Halloweenie :)
For my bday,
I received a gift certificate
to the Abracadabra Superstore
and I couldn't more excited about it!!
Suggestions for a Halloweenie costume are warmly welcomed
I'm thinking something new and different this year ...
I'm thinking something new and different this year ...
Here's what I've been in years past:
- A California Raisin
- Pregnant White Trash (kinda like Sarah Palin's daughter)
- Vicky (the robotic sister from "A Small Wonder")
- Lily Munster (from "The Addam's Family")
- The Tooth Fairy
- A Red Rocket (yep, a dog dick)
- A Pirate (obviously)
- A Double Dare Contestant
- An Indian (feather, not dot)
- A Mexican Waiter (man I miss Tarascas!)
- A Scandinavian Police Officer
- An Alligator
- A Glenbrook South High School Cheerlearder
- Wonder Woman
- Inspector Gadget
- Po (the red Telli-tubby)
- A Power Ranger
- A Teenage Mutant Nija Turtle (obviously)
- Slash
- Pregnant White Trash (kinda like Sarah Palin's daughter)
- Vicky (the robotic sister from "A Small Wonder")
- Lily Munster (from "The Addam's Family")
- The Tooth Fairy
- A Red Rocket (yep, a dog dick)
- A Pirate (obviously)
- A Double Dare Contestant
- An Indian (feather, not dot)
- A Mexican Waiter (man I miss Tarascas!)
- A Scandinavian Police Officer
- An Alligator
- A Glenbrook South High School Cheerlearder
- Wonder Woman
- Inspector Gadget
- Po (the red Telli-tubby)
- A Power Ranger
- A Teenage Mutant Nija Turtle (obviously)
- Slash
I would post pix of all the above ...
but I personally fear seeing them all in one collage ;)
but I personally fear seeing them all in one collage ;)
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Guilty Pleasures ...
As of recent,
I am addicted to two things:
Animal Planet's Untamed & Uncut
Life cereal as a late night snack.
Sometimes I even pour myself a second bowl,
as I rewind and re-watch the craziness.
I have to rewind and re-watch,
because I close my eyes every time the animals attack!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Hooooray for Scottie!
I'm so proud of my buddy,
Scottie Gage :)
Wooo hooo!
Check out his new music video, "Waterslide"
which just aired on LOGO's NewNowNext Music!
Monday, September 22, 2008
A First and Last ...
I had the absolute honor
to attend my very first Yankees game,
on the second-to-last day
in the ever famous Cathedral
What an unbelievable experience!
I sure did :)

My first Yanks hat & ticket stub

A View from Up Top

A Look to the Future
(The New Yankee Stadium!)

First row, behind home ... UNREAL

There are no words ...

A-Rod :)


Ummm, yessss,
Hi Derek Jeter :)

Sure, I guess I will marry you ;)
on the second-to-last day
in the ever famous Cathedral
What an unbelievable experience!
I sure did :)

My first Yanks hat & ticket stub

A View from Up Top

A Look to the Future
(The New Yankee Stadium!)

First row, behind home ... UNREAL

There are no words ...

A-Rod :)


Ummm, yessss,
Hi Derek Jeter :)

Sure, I guess I will marry you ;)
Friday, September 19, 2008
Imp-aarrrrrrrrrrrrrr-tant News!
Today is ....
National Talk Like a Pirate Day
Not only do I want to BE a real Pirate ...

but I not-so-secretly
find myself arrrrrrr-tracted to them as well ;)

The Saying Goes ...
"Live in New York City once, but leave ...
before it makes you hard"
Believe me,
I know damn well
(frequently first-hand)
that this city
is FAAAAAR from
warm and fuzzy ...
But I say,
"Live in New York City once, but leave ... "
if and when
and if and only when
you can no longer stop
to see the beauty
in the little things
such as:
The leaves in the
6th Ave Community Garden
that are somehow, somewhy
shaped as perfect hearts :)

The fact that it's only mid-September
and (overpriced) pumpkins
are piled at each and every corner :)

if you cannot smile when
a care-package from your mom
is sent with love
for no apparent reason :)

The world,
not just NYC,
is in a hard place right now :(
So I think
we each just need to do our part
to take the good with the bad,
find the needle in the haystack,
and be the change we wish to see
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Extreme Home Porch Makeover!!!
Call me Paige Davis if you please,
because my porch project is complete, baby :)
For the last 7 months that I have lived in ZYC,
I've set aside $75 every single paycheck
for the awesomeness you're about to see
we are talking Day & Night with these renovations ...
Check it out in sneak preview format:
(Click to Enlarge)


Welcome to my new Porch :)

It's a Tiki Bar, baby!!

Turn right
(face North)
aaaaaaaand ...

The North Side Nook,
Then & Now ...

Turn around,
(face South)
Day & Night ...

And last
but most certainly not least...
The Southend Nook

Extreme Makeover Total Budget:
Picnic Table: $99
Gas Grill: $87
Propane Tank: $40
Margarator: Gift to Alyssa back-in-the day
Carpets: $50 each
Star & Moon Firepit: $119
Bench: $99
Pillows & Cushion: $50
Tiki bar: $139
Cooler: $19
Beach Balls: 2 for $1
Place Mat: $1
Christmas Lights: $25
Tax, tip & delivery: $200
Wi-Fi Connection: Included in Cable bill
Candles: Brought 'em from Chi-town
Sunflowers, sandal coozies, sand pals: Gifts :)
Yep, yep, yep ...
all the above arrived in boxes and pieces
and were assembled by yours truly!
(Insert self pat-on-back here)
If you are ever wondering where to find me,
you now know where I'll be :)
For the last 7 months that I have lived in ZYC,
I've set aside $75 every single paycheck
for the awesomeness you're about to see
we are talking Day & Night with these renovations ...
Check it out in sneak preview format:
(Click to Enlarge)


Welcome to my new Porch :)

It's a Tiki Bar, baby!!

Turn right
(face North)
aaaaaaaand ...

The North Side Nook,
Then & Now ...

Turn around,
(face South)
Day & Night ...

And last
but most certainly not least...
The Southend Nook

Extreme Makeover Total Budget:
Picnic Table: $99
Gas Grill: $87
Propane Tank: $40
Margarator: Gift to Alyssa back-in-the day
Carpets: $50 each
Star & Moon Firepit: $119
Bench: $99
Pillows & Cushion: $50
Tiki bar: $139
Cooler: $19
Beach Balls: 2 for $1
Place Mat: $1
Christmas Lights: $25
Tax, tip & delivery: $200
Wi-Fi Connection: Included in Cable bill
Candles: Brought 'em from Chi-town
Sunflowers, sandal coozies, sand pals: Gifts :)
Yep, yep, yep ...
all the above arrived in boxes and pieces
and were assembled by yours truly!
(Insert self pat-on-back here)
If you are ever wondering where to find me,
you now know where I'll be :)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A Yummy Mistake
After work tonight
I bolted to Chinatown
to see if I could buy a few gifts
before the vendors closed.
While in search of a Chloe bag and other garments,
I instead stumbled upon endless stands
of canoli and gelato :)

Holy wow!
The Annual San Gennaro Feast
just may be
my depiction of heaven on earth :)
to see if I could buy a few gifts
before the vendors closed.
While in search of a Chloe bag and other garments,
I instead stumbled upon endless stands
of canoli and gelato :)

Holy wow!
The Annual San Gennaro Feast
just may be
my depiction of heaven on earth :)
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Thoughts on "Tomorrow"
I love getting a "belated" anything ...
For example,
any form of belated gift,
simply extends the occasion that preceded it
... awesome!
And who doesn't believe
that any form of anything
"is better late than never" ?!?
But I will say
that these belated beauties,
never fail to make me think,
"Oh craaaap,
I too forgot XY and Z ...
Must remember to do that tomorrow"
(Insert deep sigh noise here)
My best friend
and worst enemy
all wrapped in one.
Little orphan Annie sang it loud and proud,
making "toooooo-morrow"
seem like the best thing since sliced bread.
But to me,
"tomorrow" =
a procrastinator's infamous bestie.
"Tomorrow" reminds me of
my (seemingly endless) mental to-do list:
For example,
any form of belated gift,
simply extends the occasion that preceded it
... awesome!
And who doesn't believe
that any form of anything
"is better late than never" ?!?
But I will say
that these belated beauties,
never fail to make me think,
"Oh craaaap,
I too forgot XY and Z ...
Must remember to do that tomorrow"
(Insert deep sigh noise here)
My best friend
and worst enemy
all wrapped in one.
Little orphan Annie sang it loud and proud,
making "toooooo-morrow"
seem like the best thing since sliced bread.
But to me,
"tomorrow" =
a procrastinator's infamous bestie.
"Tomorrow" reminds me of
my (seemingly endless) mental to-do list:
- Tomorrow I will wake up early and go for a run
- Tomorrow I will not drink caffeine or eat shitty food
- I will book my flight a full 14 days in advance
- Oh yes, and I will remember not to over-pack this time
- Starting tomorrow I will brush my hair every time I have the urge to just throw it into a pony
- Bye bye bad habits!
- Yep, that means you Mr. Nose Picking Finger ... No more obsessive paranoia over the boogs that wanna date my nosering!
- And yes you too, Mrs. Top & Mr. Bottom Teeth ... No more grinding! Baaaad!
- Tomorrow I'll finish every book I buy and/or begin to read
- I will do laundry more and say the word "fuck" less
- The morning will mark the first day that I will remember to rinse and recycle my yogurt containers
- I will stop taking cabs and rely solely on public trans (even when it's raining!)
- Tomorrow I will remember to lock the chain lock
- I'll mail my umpteen wedding gifts
- Oh yes, and send all thank you notes in a timely manner
- In just a mere "24 hours", I will magically remember all of my friends and family's anniversaries
- Tomorrow I will finally make that eye doc appointment, because I can no longer tell rats from cats ... not cool
- Aaaand, hey, while you're at it ... just sack up and get a new fish, will ya?!?
if/when it ever actually rolls around,
this alleged "tomorrow"
is going to be really great :)
if/when it ever actually rolls around,
this alleged "tomorrow"
is going to be really great :)
Monday, September 15, 2008
As Much as I Enjoy Blogging About Happy Times
My sincere thoughts and warm wishes
go out to all those who are deeply impacted today
by Hurricane Ike
and the financial crisis on Wall Street.
Although I wasn't intown last Thursday
to pay my respects at Ground Zero in person,
my condolences remain heavy-at-heart
for the families and heroes of September 11th.
go out to all those who are deeply impacted today
by Hurricane Ike
and the financial crisis on Wall Street.
Although I wasn't intown last Thursday
to pay my respects at Ground Zero in person,
my condolences remain heavy-at-heart
for the families and heroes of September 11th.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
What a Wonderful Night :)
As we all know,
I am not an expert on love.
having attended my fair share of weddings this season,
I will say that I know love when I see it.
And that is what I witnessed this weekend ...

My cousin Becky's wedding brought me to tears ...
tears of absolute joy :)
Beatles lyrics rang throughout
to enhanced the lively mood:
"Here comes the sun"
"All you need is love"
"Love, love, love"
It was nothing but beautiful!
And while I sat there soaking it all up,
I thought about Becky & Alan
and relationships in general.
That maybe it's not about finding the right person
but rather about becoming the right person.
That maybe love will find you
and not visa versa.
And that no matter what,
through good times and bad,
family is everything
that matters most :)
I am not an expert on love.
having attended my fair share of weddings this season,
I will say that I know love when I see it.
And that is what I witnessed this weekend ...

My cousin Becky's wedding brought me to tears ...
tears of absolute joy :)
Beatles lyrics rang throughout
to enhanced the lively mood:
"Here comes the sun"
"All you need is love"
"Love, love, love"
It was nothing but beautiful!
And while I sat there soaking it all up,
I thought about Becky & Alan
and relationships in general.
That maybe it's not about finding the right person
but rather about becoming the right person.
That maybe love will find you
and not visa versa.
And that no matter what,
through good times and bad,
family is everything
that matters most :)
You Know You Work for a Start-Up When ...
but I absolutely adore the company I work for :)
It's a "Work hard. Play hard" operation,
whose first all-company meeting was a hit!
I finally had the opportunity to put faces to names
with all the fantastic peeps I talk to on a regular basis
every single person I met was just freakin fabulous!
You know you work for a start-up when ... It's a "Work hard. Play hard" operation,
whose first all-company meeting was a hit!
I finally had the opportunity to put faces to names
with all the fantastic peeps I talk to on a regular basis
every single person I met was just freakin fabulous!
Power point presentations begin with slides that say things like, "Our Humble Story"

And then proceed to slides such as,
"2 pakistanis, 1 nigerian with no credit history" :)

You know you work for a start-up when ...
Your CTO gets carded at the club

And your President gets frisked ;)

You know you work for a start-up when ...
The guys that work above you treat you like a little sister ;)

And an all-team limbo competition is not out-of-the-ordinary

You know you work for a start-up when ...
You actually wake up and want to start :)
PLEASE Register To Vote
Reminder: Registration deadlines are coming up soon!
VoteforChange.com makes it easier than ever to register
From this site you can also:
- Confirm your existing registration
- Apply to vote absentee
- Find your polling place
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
The Beckoning of Lovely
Last year I read a book that inspired me beyond belief ...
A book that I finished in one sitting
A book that made me laugh out loud
A book that made me want to write my own :)
I wrote the author immediately after to let her know how much I admired and appreciated her work.
In turn, she has written me back to inform me of her next awe inspiring endeavor.
This my friends, is worth 7 minutes of your time ... check it out!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
What a Wonderful Birth"day"
Last night,
for my real bday,
I hosted my very first dinner party
on my new "Extreme Home Porch Makeover" upper deck :)
In all my excitement,
I failed to take pix of all the new porch improvements,
but have no fear,
those will come soon!
Cerca midnight,
pots and pans stacked to the ceiling,
sitting on the couch enjoying BR ice ceam cake and Crumbs ...

I said to Alyssa,
I don't really feel like doing the dishes.
I mean,
your bday only comes around 3 days a year,
ya know?
Then I couldn't figure out why she was laughing ...
What a wonderful 27th birth"day" :)
Thank you to my wonderful friends and fam
for making it so very special!
I hosted my very first dinner party
on my new "Extreme Home Porch Makeover" upper deck :)
In all my excitement,
I failed to take pix of all the new porch improvements,
but have no fear,
those will come soon!
Cerca midnight,
pots and pans stacked to the ceiling,
sitting on the couch enjoying BR ice ceam cake and Crumbs ...

I said to Alyssa,
I don't really feel like doing the dishes.
I mean,
your bday only comes around 3 days a year,
ya know?
Then I couldn't figure out why she was laughing ...
What a wonderful 27th birth"day" :)
Thank you to my wonderful friends and fam
for making it so very special!
Monday, September 8, 2008
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