Friday, September 19, 2008

The Saying Goes ...

"Live in New York City once,
but leave ...
before it makes you hard"

Believe me,
I know damn well
(frequently first-hand)
that this city
is FAAAAAR from
warm and fuzzy ...

But I say,

"Live in New York City once, but leave ... "

if and when
and if and only when
you can no longer stop
to see the beauty
in the little things
such as:

The leaves in the
6th Ave Community Garden
that are somehow, somewhy
shaped as perfect hearts :)

The fact that it's only mid-September
and (overpriced) pumpkins
are piled at each and every corner :)

if you cannot smile when
a care-package from your mom
is sent with love
for no apparent reason

The world,
not just NYC,
is in a hard place right now :(

So I think
we each just need to do our part

to take the good with the bad,
find the needle in the haystack,
and be the change we wish to see

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more, Babe-o-rama. You speaketh the trutheth.