Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Why I Need a Muzzle: Take 1,462,397 ...
This week I'm attending the Advertising Research Foundation conference for work.
Topics include: Strategic Inflection, Brand Engagement, and Research Transformation (insert yawn here) but since I'm a nerd, I admittedly dig these sessions.
Yesterday Dr. Drew Westen (Founder of Thinkscan.com) gave a Keynote address and asked the audience of roughly 1,000 people to play a quick mind game ...
He asked us all to memorize 6 words:
He then asked us at once to shout out the name of the first
laundry detergent that came to mind ...
I shit you not, the entire room yelled, "Tide!"
While my non-domestic ass blurted, "Snuggle!"
(insert hot face here)
Dr. Westen then said, "Ok, I believe I heard 999 say Tide and
1 Snuggle, which is a fabric softner ..."
(insert roaring laughter here)
I wanted to crawl under the table ...
Seriously, someone please shoot me!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
It's official ...
I'm a "Yelper"
Here's my first ever non-blog-related review
of a place I consider a home-away-from-home
Although I'm admittedly a:
blogger (obvi)
slash internet start-up employee
slash YouTube junkie
slash Hulu addict
slash email enthusiast
slash wannabe web geek
slash (insert http://______ lingo here)
I never really thought I'd venture to be a Yelper ...
But I'm all about paying-it-forward
and sharing the good things in life :)
So here's a little bit about a place
that's meant a lot to me here in ZYC ...
I'm a "Yelper"
Here's my first ever non-blog-related review
of a place I consider a home-away-from-home
Although I'm admittedly a:
blogger (obvi)
slash internet start-up employee
slash YouTube junkie
slash Hulu addict
slash email enthusiast
slash wannabe web geek
slash (insert http://______ lingo here)
I never really thought I'd venture to be a Yelper ...
But I'm all about paying-it-forward
and sharing the good things in life :)
So here's a little bit about a place
that's meant a lot to me here in ZYC ...
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
One perk to a home office is that
Jack and I can hangout in the mid-afternoon
while his moms are at work :)
Yesterday I left them a Report Card for the little rascal:
On my way home I couldn't help but to think
"Man, I wish someone would give me a C- in eating"
Happy No Longer Monday Peeps!!
Jack and I can hangout in the mid-afternoon
while his moms are at work :)
Yesterday I left them a Report Card for the little rascal:
Cuteness A++
Snuggleness A+
Pee Pad Training B
(one hit, one miss)
Eating C-
(not so interested, would rather play)
Overall A+
Snuggleness A+
Pee Pad Training B
(one hit, one miss)
Eating C-
(not so interested, would rather play)
Overall A+
On my way home I couldn't help but to think
"Man, I wish someone would give me a C- in eating"
Happy No Longer Monday Peeps!!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Being the complete clumsy ass that I am,
last night I spilled a full glass of water over my gas stove top :(
(Insert every swear word know to man right here)
Having no clue how to ameliorate the situation,
I googled that shit immediately ...
Turns out millions of other klutzes like me exist,
so many that there was an entire website devoted to it!
Unfortunately, 99.9% of the webchat posts were from parents infuriated with their spill-happy small children ...
but whose judging, right?? ;)
God I'm an idiot!
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Foot In Mouth (...Yet Again)
Today at yoga the instructor started class (per usual)
by asking if anyone had any sort of injuries she should be aware of
I wanted to raise my hand and say,
"Ummmm, yes.
It's March 18th ...
I'm wildly hungover"
But have no fear,
I refrained ;)
So the woman to my right raises her hand and says,
"Yes, I'm 3 months pregnant"
To which I started hysterically laughing and jokingly said,
"Yep, I'd say that's quite an injury"
Then I looked at her and realized that
even with a melon ball in her belly
she had a better bod that I could ever dream to attain
and so I immediately stopped laughing :(
Looks like the joke was on me ...
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Reason # 1,258,397 why I miss Chicago dearly ...
I think my friends are by far the funniest humans in the world
Cheers to green beers!
Hope you have a fantastic St. Patrick's Day :)
Bottoms up!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
NYC Pocketbook Dictionary ... 1st Edition ;)
It's somehow mid-March ...
Having spent the last 2.5 months on speed
(figuratively speaking)
I spent this past weekend in pseudo-detox
(literally speaking)
For 48 full hours I made a concerted effort
to drink less, talk less, and think less
(ok, maybe not so much the latter of the 3)
But for once in my life,
I attempted to shut my mouth and open my ears;
and this is what my sober-session officially confirmed:
Be it good, bad or indifferent,
I'd argue that there are words more
commonly/overly/acceptably used
on this crazy "little" island than in any other city ...
Here's the short list for your "reading pleasure" ;)
- Rent
- Rent controlled
- Overpriced
- "Starving artist"
- Stress
- Hedge fund
- Bloomberg
- "The Journal"
- Bodega
- Duane Reade
- Jewish Deli
- Tofu
- Take-out /Delivery
- Dry Cleaning
- Taxi / Cab
- Meat Packing District
- "The List"
- Non-committal
- Gay
- High fashion
- Heidi Klum
- Cocaine
- Sex
- 5am
Friday, March 13, 2009
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Nick Howard & Rachel Platten
If you haven't done so already,
be sure to check out Nick Howard
and Rachel Platten too!
It goes without saying,
they lit up the stage at the Highline Ballroom on Thursday night :)

Way to go Nick!!
You NEVER cease to amaze us all :)
and Rachel Platten too!
It goes without saying,
they lit up the stage at the Highline Ballroom on Thursday night :)

Way to go Nick!!
You NEVER cease to amaze us all :)
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Hmmmmmm ....
While waiting for the Downtown A/C/E line tonight
(aka "the Blue train" ... in Chicago we just use colors)
I spotted this:

Just in case you're not getting this "Where's Waldo" moment,
allow me to clarify with this pic:

Hmmmmm ...
How does one lug his/her piano down to the subway?
Do you think he ever wishes his mom
wouldda just put him in like harmonica lessons?
I do
Had I not been on the opposite side of the tracks,
I ab.so.lute.ly would have given this dude my monies.
Hell, I would have given him my number for Christ sake ;)
Kudos to you Mr. Piano Man!
Thanks for making my day :)
Monday, March 9, 2009
Why I Love Weddings
A co-worker jokingly said to me,
"Ya know, you are allowed to say 'no' to a wedding once in a while"
To which I replied,
I wanted to say to him,
"Are you speaking English? Who says that?!"
Better yet,
who would ever want to miss a wedding!!???
to be asked to share in the best day of your friends' lives
is an absolute honor
Which leads me to blab and brag about Rori & Mike …
and their utterly awesome ceremony this past weekend :)

Ror –
It goes without saying that you were a breathtaking bride!
But even more so, you are just a breathtaking human being!

I must say that you mingling at our table
(while nonchalantly eating an egg roll with chop-sticks)
and ever-so-cooly catching up with everyone
is most definitely a memory I'll forever hold on to :)

You're so comfortable with yourself
that you make everyone else around you feel at ease.
Your caring demeanor is contagious
and your laugh is infectious :)
I'm SO happy for you and Mike
and can't say thanks enough for such a wonderful night!
Many have asked why it is that I love weddings so much,
so here's my best answer:
Aside from the open bar (hahahah, kidding, kinda ;)
I love weddings because ...
There is no greater feeling
than seeing your friends on Cloud 9 :)
they are an expression of the couple,
and therefore each unique and lovely in their own regard.
They bring so many great people together
and I find them virtually impossible to not have a good time at!
But most of all,
I love 'em because with every wedding
you know that someone you care about
has found their partner-in-crime
and that they're "all set" now
Who could ask for anything more?!
Friday, March 6, 2009
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
"Guacomolies" :)
Today my Dad said to me,
"I bought a bag of guacamolies at the store, they were on sale!"
And I slightly tilted my head like a confused puppy ...
I said,
"You mean, you bought a bin of guacamole?
Or you bought a bag of avocados?"
To which he said,
"Ya, exactly. I bought a bag of guacamolies"
LOVE it!
As of today, I may never use the word "avocados" ever again
"Guacomolies" is soo way more fun :)
But I must say,
the word "avocado" is a great use of the letter "V"
(soooooo under utilized!)
If you also share a dorky love for independent films
(and have the patience for Norwegian subtitles)
I rented "Reprise" last night and
absolutely ate it up!

If you're ever looking for a good movie review,
I must refer you to the blog of the one and only
Mr. Skiperoooooooo Gundrum!
a.k.a Cody's Dad
Be sure to check out
"Skip's Picks"
and go bananas :)
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
Hello World ... Meet Lesley Roy :)
Lesley is not just one of the nicest/coolest peeps
that I've had the pleasure to meet in NYC,
she's also absurdly talented!
I thought it was awesome when she told us
that she was picked to tour with David Archuleta
(insert screaming teenage girls here)
but holy wow, it was a whole other kind of awesome
to see her up on stage before him
(insert chills of proud friend here)
Check her music out at
You will not be left disappointed :)
I love me some David Archuleta!
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