I genuinely would not want to be famous ...
Successful --> for sure
Famous --> not so much
There's absolutely no denying that I've thought about it
(Come on, everyone's guilty of that!)
But in all honesty,
shortly after I think even about the idea of achieving fame,
my face turns a shade of sunburst that is highly unattractive
and I get a hive (just one, but a hive nonetheless)
I very much like my life just the way it is :)
But I must confess,
when Kate Winslet won her Oscar on Sunday,
and announced that she'd
"be lying to say she hadn't made a version of this speech before,
and practiced it into the mirror with a shampoo bottle"
I cracked up and nodded in agreement ...
Because I'd be lying to say that there wasn't a night when
(after we'd enjoyed a few too many)
I stood up on our coffee table,
thanked Alyssa
and the Academy (of course) for voting for me
and then blurted my acceptance speech
while holding my "Oscar"
... better known as, a Coors Light bottle
Can't quite remember what I said,
but I'm "positively sure"
it was award winning ;)