Saturday, October 12, 2013

To Master the Art

In honor of the brilliantly buoyant Julia Child,
my bestie Steve & I planned a full-day play date.

Our calendars have been marked for the last several months to make-believe Chicago is Paris for a day. And I gotta say, we kinda nailed it :) 

Brunch at Chez Moi

The 151 bus to the Broadway Playhouse to see...

We ordered tix so far in advance that it honestly felt like we were sitting at the dinner table with Julia & Paul :) 

Apparently 30-somethings aren't frequent goers of the Saturday matinee as we were the youngest people there by 30+ years (except for the lucky youngsters whose parents bought their play tix. Siiiiigh. I soo should have respected theater more during those years.)

The play was such a treat!

And left us wanting to be Julia & Paul
which we not-so-shamelessly tried to do ;)

And other passer-byers began to follow suit 
which made me smile :)

When you pretend Chicago is Paris for the day, you're allowed to start drinking wine at 4pm. Which we did gladly at Bistro Zinc

We couldn't have planned for an Indian Summer day but it sure did add to the awesomeness. A solid walk from downtown to Lincoln Park left us ready for a refill at Mon Ami Gabi

The evening ended with dinner on the patio at Bistro Campagne
as two very happy wannabe Parisians!

Voila, c'est fini to a beautiful day in "France" :)

1 comment:

Nicki said...

Amazing!!! I would totally play pretend with you any day!! XO