Friday, October 11, 2013


I mean, could he be any cuter?!?

King was born on August 26th and as of this week, he weighs in a 250 lbs. (I'll never complain about my figure again). Few things/thoughts that fascinate me about this lil' rhino that I admittedly think in my head: 

(A) Dude, how is it possible that you're a vegetarian?

(2) Holy-amazeballs that you officially weigh one-eighth-of-a-ton and all you eat to date is your mamma's milk! Am I the only one that finds this wild? Bueller. Bueller. Bueller...

(III) At what point are you just kinda like, "All good mom, I got this. Gonna rock the grains today instead. I think I'm getting a little too big for the boob."

There's a 0.0% chance I'll raise these questions at Wine & Wildlife on Wednesday but am super excited to hear the behind-the-scenes scoop on how the zoo's researchers and animal care experts facilitated King's arrival and especially to hear how his momma's doing.

You can visit the Lincoln Park Zoo 365 days a year and if you have an aspiring artist on your hands, be sure to bring your little one tomorrow morning to check out Big Draw Chicago!


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