Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thoughts on Perspective

"They" say that your thirties 
are infinitely better than your twenties. 

Here's why I wholeheartedly agree: 
My life has become a kaleidoscopic in regards to perspective. 

Back then (HA!) for whatever reason, 
we used to all feel like we had to be on the same page 
and didn't foresee how cool it would be 
to create our own totally individual chapters. 

Being part of many different circles of friends, 
I make a very concerted effort now to know where I stand personally on issues, before consulting the peanut gallery ;) 
Prime example #1: 
I recently went out on a date with a guy
(a real "catch" according to most)
that showed up high. Like, as in, he also brought a bunch of weed with him assuming I'd be game.

Side note: 
99% of people who do not know me well tend to assume I smoke. Maybe it's the nose pierce or my "keep calm and carry on" demeanor. It's just always awkward when I have to "say no to drugs" while I'm a good twenty years too old to hold that convo. And so goes the story of my life...

Let's continue:

So, me being me, I'd told everyone and their dog that "I have a date!" because, let's be real, I'm now in my thirties, and everyone and their dog is laser focused (aka: highly concerned for no apparent reason) about this aspect of my being. 

The reaction when telling my single friends 
your date showed up high: 
"BAHAHAHHA! Yesssss, did he at least offer you any? Wait, we should set him up with {insert so-and-so here}! How many appetizers did he order at dinner?!" 
The reaction when telling my 
married friends who live in Chicago 
your date showed up high:
"He clearly has some growing up to do."

The reaction when telling my 
married friends who have kids who live in Chicago
your date showed up high:
(This conversation would actually never happen in person or on the phone due to the opposite nature of our lifestyles so I don't actually know what their genuine gut reactions would be, but the email replies are always very chipper. Like, "Well, he's not it but it just takes one!" or "You have to kiss a lot of frogs, but then!..." As if reading the ending to the perfect bedtime story ;)

The reaction when telling my 
single and/or married friends who live in NYC
your date showed up high: 
"I'm not seeing the problem here. Are you judging him?"

The reaction when telling my siblings 
your date showed up high:
"So, he didn't pay enough attention to you - was that the issue?"  

The reaction when telling my gay besties 
your date showed up high:
"Well I hope you at least got laid!"

Sooo here's where I'm at.
I'm 31.4 years old and I wholeheartedly agree with what "they" say: your thirties are infinitely better than your twenties. 
Because when you know who you are (finally), it's so fun to listen to advice from EVERYONE you know and love, yet only to digest the advice and commentary you actually resonate with. The rest is just humor coupled with respect that your friends, all of them, in their very own special way, just genuinely care about you (even if your lifestyle is pseudo-martian to the mainstream ;)

My new years resolution for 2013 is to be honest to myself.
If I feel it in my heart -- that's what counts. 
But it's always worthwhile to gain perspective. 
To stay grounded. To respect that none of my groups of friends are on the same page. And I LOVE THAT! 
I mailed this card to myself when I was living in Florence my junior year of college. I wanted to make sure that the version of me while I was studying abroad, was able to tell the version of "back at home me" to remain better. Always. 
My resolution, since then, has been 
commitment to constant self-improvement. 
My forever mantra:
May 22nd, 2002
[I was 20 years old]

It's all coming to an end and surprisingly,  I want to go home. I guess home truly is where the heart is. I am making a pack to myself that today, May 22nd, 2002 - I promise myself that I will not let myself be defeated by comparison, competition or materialistic matters. I will always remember how happy I was with myself while living in Europe - despite weight gain, despite unresolved issues, despite the fact that I was so far from home. Living in Europe taught me to be a better person. To spread contagious happiness. To be a better listener, to be a good friend, daughter and sister. I don't know what lies ahead - I will see in 3 days, I guess, but I need to let fate handle what I cannot and have faith in God and in myself for the rest. Follow your heart. Be good to others. Be honest. Be genuine. Have good character. Listen. Smile. Feel. Live. Don't be afraid to love. BELIEVE. ~Amore :)

1 comment:

Megan Murray Elsener said...

I love your 20 year old self and your 31.4 year old self. Xoxo