Friday, August 15, 2008

Thoughts on Barns & Silos

one of my besties texted me and wrote:

"Question...we're driving back from the cottage right now.
Do u ever wonder why barns r painted red?"

and you shall receive :)

Barns are painted red because,
back in the day,
led and rust were used to cheaply color paint.
It was a thrifty farmer's choice.
And now,
well, there's really no reason now.
Tradition, I suppose!

My question is:
What's the deal with silos?
I mean, why are they so tall and skinny?
They must make the poor barns feel so inferior and fat :(

But seriously,
I kinda take offense to the falic-ness of them.
Straight-up sexist, if you ask me.

I can totally picture it ...
a bunch of old white farmers sitting around in their overalls,
complaining about the weather
and yet another shitty crop season.

"Let's just plop a big dick in the field and see what 'comes' of it!"

I don't know.
Maybe I'm just salty this morning because
I'm still not over the fact that the Shawn Johnson
got so f%@king jipped last night.

Salty that the Chinese gymnasts
aren't even old enough to drive a car,


Anyways, per usual ...
I digress.

great question!
And, thanks for giving me something to blog about :)

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