Sunday, March 2, 2008

"Happy" Leap Year!

(Friday, 2/29)

So I went to buy a pop from the corner store (in need of a little 4pm pick-me-up) and there was this white envelope under the front door of my apartment:

Man ... I thought I was bummed by the fact that McCain continues to gain all sorts of Republican trust...but this, this is a whole new kind of bummer :(

I wanted to call our Landlord Manny and be like...

"You didn't even knock? Just a drop-and-run,
eh? What ever happened to 'service with a smile'?!? For 3300 bones, you couldn't have thrown in a Wall Street Journal? (which I probably wouldn't have time to read but it would have been a nice gesture!) Or maybe a few Andes mints? (my personal fav) Even a measly little fortune cookie wouldda done the trick! But, thanks for the envelope, Manny! Much appreciated. Happy Leap Year Friday to you too. We'll be sure to deliver your treasure chest on time."


Stacey Hall ... Wannabe Zoo York City Landlord

Peanut Labs, Inc. New York, NY

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE your blog...F-ing hilarious!! Miss you tons!