Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Weekend Highlights :)

I came home for the long weekend because I promised my mom I would do so, in order to spend time with just my family. To many this may seem like a relaxing idea, however, the word "relaxing" has never exactly been synonymous with the Hall household ;)

But I must say, I was oh-so pleasantly surprised with the outcome! Although busy at all times, it was an absolute ball :) It's obviously never all sunshine and rainbows when it comes to family (believe you me!), but I'm incredibly thankful for good times like these.
I just can't decided what my favorite moment was though ...

Possibly when my 92 year old Grandma provided us with
play-by-play commentary during the Blackhawks game
(it's truly ah!mazing ... the woman is still sharp as a tack!)
or when my mom asked us, "How do you Twitter?"
After which we all made up elaborate falsities
to further and fully confuse her on the concept ;)
And I genuinely loved spending time with "The Bridge Group",
and watching commemorative War movies on Memorial Day,
and eating out of a completely stocked refrigerator
yes, this is a rarity for me).

But I think my favorite part was our maiden voyage
on Stephen & Kendra's new boat!

I had to pinch myself when this drifted by,
but felt like one helluva lucky wanna-be-pirate
to be in such great company as it sailed on past :)

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