Monday, April 26, 2010


I'm not the most responsible human being.
But since you already knew that,
I guess I will narrow it down to admit that
I'm also not the most responsible
bridesmaid ...

This past Fall the Best Man and I took it upon ourselves
to host a "little" post-party after our best friends' wedding.

this entailed a cheese platter, a whole lotta Coors Light,
and a chipped front tooth, by yours truly :(

Now that I've had 6 months to digest the debauchery,
I can actually laugh at the "crack-up" caught on camera.

My dentist however,
does not find my shenanigans so funny.
This morning at the follow-up our convo went as such:

Dentist lady: Your cap is holding nicely.

Me: Thanks! I haven't bitten into apples or corn-on-the-cob, just like you advised. I also haven't ridden on any hotel luggage carriers while intoxed since then -- but I guess that should've just been common sense from the get-go ;) Hahaha

Dentist lady: Well, I'm glad you can laugh at yourself.

Me: Ya, me and like 400 others ... it's a hit on YouTube!
I'm thinking about starting a micro-site called "YouTooth" for all the other boneheads out there who have chipped their teeths too.
Could be funny, whatdaya think?

Dentist lady: (crickets)

Strike two for Stacey ...

1 comment:

Kristen Hutchinson Spytek said...