Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hellloooo from sunny San Francisco :)

It's currently 6:45pm EST / 3:45 PST and I'm sitting at my desk in our new office space laughing deliriously to myself that my day has officially consisted of the following:

4:20am EST: Wake-up begrudgingly

4:25am EST: Brush teeth. Double check I have my cell phone. Head out.

4:30am EST: Hail cab. Get in. Take a swig of orange juice.
insert sour face here). Hit myself in forehead knowing damn well that OJ and toothpaste are a HORRIBLE mix. Blah.

5:00am EST: Arrive JFK airport. Wonder why the
F the security lines are so long already.

5:15am EST: See advertisement for Scandinavia. Realize that I actually live closer to Iceland than I do to San Francisco.

5:30am EST: Board plane. Man sitting next to me strikes up a convo. I begin concocting excuses as to why I cannot converse nor listen at this hour. Subtly put on iPod and open up my hard copy of "Half Broken Horses" to alleviate dilemma.

5:45am EST: Flight attendant politely asks me to turn off my iPod and tells the aforementioned
mingler to turn off his Kindle for take off. He proceeds to point at me and says, "She doesn't have to turn off her book, so I'm not turning off mine." I wonder to myself if this is actually really happening. I not-so-secretly wish I were in Iceland.

6:00am EST: Take off. Fall asleep within
mili-seconds. Dream about unicorns and Girl Scout cookies. Samoas to be exact.

9am EST / 8am CST / 6am PST: Wake up while we're somewhere over the Midwest. Wonder where I am and what time it really is. Specifically, what time it is in Iceland. Feel utterly confused from all the above.

12:30 EST / 9:30am PST: Arrive to sunny San Fran! Look up and see Lucia Moniz from "Love Actually" is on the same flight. Slightly geek out. Debate saying something. Wait for the right moment and tell her that she was my most favorite character in the movie, aside from "Uncle Jamie", of course. She laughs :)

1pm EST / 10am PST: Take the BART to Montgomery Street. Get out and head in wrong direction on Market Street. Look right and see "Zog's Dogs", the hot dog stand a buddy of mine from college started. Entirely geek out! Walk up to see if he's there and to order a snausage :) Realize it's only 10am in Cali. Bust!

1:15pm EST / 10:15am PST: Get much needed coffee. Head up to Peanut Labs. Make the rounds :) Begin work. Feel incredibly behind :( Return loads o' emails. Wonder what time is acceptable to break for lunch ...

6:00pm EST / 3:00pm PST: Head to Chipotle for lunch/dinner with Erin :) Talk her face off as coffee is the only thing I've "eaten" all day and someone clearly put a quarter in the wind-up-doll ;) Order Burrito Bowl while wondering what would be an acceptable time to go back to Zog's Dogs for dinner.

6:30pm EST / 3:30pm PST: Get back to work. Get side tracked by Google-ing Iceland. Begin blog entry ...

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