Monday, March 1, 2010

Life: One, Stacey: Zero

Tonight I had my weekly tutoring session with "M" and we decided to focus solely on her Spanish homework since it's hard to get one-on-one time in language class. Although we both take things seriously (for the most part), this exchange was "un poco chistoso" (translation: kinda funny) so I thought I'd share:

Me: Ok so you might think this is uber lame but this lil' ditty used to help me ... the saying goes, "How you feel and where you are, is when you use the verb Estar." Make sense?

M: (insert the quintessential teenage blank stare here)

Allllrighty, was just a thought ... ok let's work on putting a couple sentences together using today's vocab words. Give it a go!

M then proceeded to write the following:

- Nosotros estamos nerviosos para escuela
Translation: We are nervous for school

- Ustedes estan contentos con trabaja
Translation: They are happy with work

- Stacey es una cocina
Translation: Stacey is a kitchen

Me: Wo, wo, wo "M" you're killin' me!! Last week you tell me I'm old and this week I'm a house?? Throw me a bone here woman!! Stacey is in the kitchen. Stacey esta en la cocina.
Small but crucial words missing from that last one ...


Unfortunately I fear she was laughing at me and not so much with me, but we sure had a good laugh :)

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