Thursday, July 10, 2008

The "In Between" Phase

I know I'm no longer in my "touristy" phase,
because I am now capable of bypassing street performers
without stopping to:

A) snap a pic
B) dance along with them
or C) donate a dollar (for unknown reasons).

And I know I've officially graduated from my
"goo-goo gaa-gaa" phase,

because certain things
(like garbage bags on the sidewalks)
are most definitely beginning to bug me.

But I know I've yet to reach the next phase because,
let's be honest,

I still don't know my head from my asshole in this city!

When people stop to ask me for directions,
I immediately whip out my trusty MTA map
(or just take the easy route and google it on my crackberry)

But I did feel kinda "local" yesterday,
when this (suuuuuuper hoity bitch) stopped to ask
"Do you know where Saks 5th Avenue is?"

To which I sarcastically replied,
"Hmmm ...
Can't say I do,

but something tells me it's on 5th Ave

Hahaha :)

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