Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Full Blown Twit

I was recently called a "Tweetard" for my lack of tweetivity on Twitter. 

Apparently this is a thing. 

So, about a decade late to the ballgame, I've succumb...

Feeling all sorts of cool that I'm no longer a total Twit, I decided to incorporate and introduce Twitter to The Creative Minds today.  Wow, what a giggle :)

First things first, I asked each student to create a Twitter handle. That was the only instruction. I purposely tried to keep it vague. 
Given they are all between the ages of 8 and 11 (notoriously a narcissistic phase), I guess I just assumed they'd each write their first Tweet in first-person; but per usual, this class continues to blow my mind. 

George was the first to read his aloud and it was impossible for me to contain my laughter. He was awarded a gold medal immediately after sharing this gem:


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