Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Thoughts on Field Trips

My cousin Kirsten is a 3rd grade teacher at James Ward Elementary in Chinatown. She is a phenomenal educator and her classroom recently excelled on their Illinois standardized tests as a direct result of her impact; incredibly inspiring to say the least!

I had the honor to be a chaperon on the 3rd grade class field trip to the Shedd Aquarium. 60 students, 6 adults and umpteen fish... It.was.AWESOME :)

My favorite part wasn't even the fact that the weather in Chicago was beautiful and the skyline looked like a painting. 

It wasn't even that I was able to see Kirsten in action (although that was very very special). 

It wasn't even that her students are absolutely wonderful little people who have SUCH great potential!

For me, the best part was when we took a break for lunch and crowded into a picnic area for everyone to rest and refuel. Listening to the kids talk to each other about "life" was so cool. You forget what life is like when you're 8 years old. 

My heart physically melted while watching several kids trade components of their sacked lunches. An apple for a cookie. A yogurt for a fruit snack... And I smiled a true smile when I witnessed one child say to another, "My mom always packs me an extra sandwich in case someone forgets to bring -- here, take it. I will share my chips too if you'd like."  

Surrounded by beluga whales and massive swim tanks, it was actually the little things that truly made my day :)


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