Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Last night I had the honor to be a guest speaker 
at a Medill graduate journalism class 
to talk about recent "Insights, Discoveries & Developments" 
within the social media market research 
and tech-start-up environments. 
{insert deep breath here}

All was going really well, 
the class seemed super into the presentation, 
peeps were asking great questions, 
and out of absolutely no where, 
I burped!

Like, the loud kind. 
Completely totally unexpected.
Surprised the shit out of me, kind. 
And I couldn't stop laughing.
The class must have been like,
"Who is this crass woman?!?!"

But thankfully they all laughed too,
so I was able to make a joke of it and move on. 
But I still can't believe it happened. 
I never burp!! 
So whhhyyyy did one sneak up on me like that 
in front of all those crazy smart people?!?

Note to self: 
Do not chug a Diet Coke to help caffeinate prior to presenting. You are an idiot for thinking this would "enhance" performance.  Next time, oh wait, there likely will not be a "next time"... Hahahaha

1 comment:

Megan Murray Elsener said...

Hysterical. As my dad use to call the students there Medilldos, I am sure they enjoyed it!