Sunday, October 23, 2011


Allow me to brag for a moment about "KP" because
holy wow, talk about a stunning bride :)

I could go on about the dress (because it was AWESOME)
but the woman inside was what made it a masterpiece. 
Katherine has not only worked her tail off to become a fire fighter, but is now completing her paramedic degree. All while turning 30, getting married, and buying a beautiful home with Brian.
Could you be more inspiring?!?
Seriously, badass!

I'm so proud of you, KP -- and the reasons above 
are just a glimpse as to you why.

Thank you for such a fun night!
While Sven & I hitched a ride home from your parents (post dance party), I was reminded once again how incredibly lucky and thankful I am for all of our "Glenview girls".


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