Friday, August 27, 2010

UCB Sketch: Political Parody

"Thank You Knowtes"

Stacey Hall

INT: Bill & Hillary Clinton's den

Bill & Hillary attempt to relax now that the wedding is over. Hillary is holding a highlighter pen and wearing a sport coat. Bill is wearing a casual t-shirt, jeans and loafers. A stack of 500+ note cards and envelopes are on the desk.

Hey honey, wanna go the club for lunch?

I can't, I'm proofreading Chelsea's
thank you notes.

Remember what the counselor told us
about not being "helicopter parents"?
She's married now. I think it's time
to stop hovering.

I'm not hovering, I'm helping. Look
at this one to George W. She wrote,
"Thanks again and best of luck with
your liebrary initiative." SHE PUT
AN E IN LIBRARY! Stanford, Oxford,
Columbia ... for what?

(Bill takes a closer look at the note and smiles proudly)

Lie-brary. Ha-ha-ha! She's a witty
one that little Chelsea ...

(Hillary glares at Bill, highlights the grammatical "error", and picks up the clipboard that has Chelsea's notes on it.)

Uuugh! I told her to use bullet points
and not roman numerals for the
Mezvinsky list - all I need is for
it to leak that Chelsea's off
numbering Jews ... I'd lose half the
Maryland vote!

(Bill gives her a look to cool her jets)

Ya know, it doesn't always have to
be November 4th - there's more to
life than shaking hands and kissing
babies, Hillary.

(deep sigh)
If only she'd picked Harvard she could
have swooned with that Marc Zuckerberg ...
the boy is "friends" with the whole world!
One status update from him endorsing me
and I would have
WON the primary.

I think the Marc she has is perfectly
great, Hillary. I was also thinking,
maybe we could go out and try a new
restaurant tonight, I've been thinking
about Wolfgang Puck's new place that's
opening this evening --

Do you think there will be a sizable
amount of media covering it?

Well, that I don't know, but paparazzi
aside, I thought it would be nice
for you and I to go together and --

Dating is not in the contract, Bill.

Then let's write a new contract.
Come on Hillary, we're both politicians,
we know how to break
get away with it, and then change
the law in our favor.
Whattya say?
Come to dinner with me. Just us.

(The housekeeper enters to refill Hillary's coffee. Hillary immediately sits on Bills lap and starts playing with his hair.)

We're just canoodeling. Don't mind
us, just canoodeling on the couch...

(The housekeeper exits and Hillary goes back to the desk, picks up the clipboard, reviews the list, and gets angry.)

She didn't write a thank you to Socks!

Honey, that's because cats can't read
and we put Socks to sleep last year.

Well it would have been a kind gesture.

(Hillary looks up to the clouds)

No one has ever loved me like Socks.

(Bill puts his hand on her shoulder to have an endearing moment.)

Hillary, honey. You have always had my vote.

Oh, put a cork in it already --

(Housekeeper enters to bring cookies to Bill. Hillary immediately sits on Bills lap and starts playing with his hair.)

We're just cannoodeling. Don't mind
us, just canoodeling on the chair.
Talking about Al & Tipper...Tragic.

Yes, just snuggle buggeling together on
the chair. I actually just asked Hillary
to dinner but unfortunately she said --

I said, "Yes!" I unfortunately said
no the first time, with all these
thank you cards to get through, but
spending quality time with my husband
is much more important. We're going
to Wolfgang Puck's new restaurant.
I've been dying to try it. But please,
don't tweet that, we wouldn't want
to draw attention to ourselves...

(Housekeeper leaves the room. Hillary returns to the desk and
picks up the thank you to George W.)


(She finally picks up that it's actually a sly pun and looks at Bill with a half proud smile)

Our little baby Chelsea ...

1 comment:

tim said...

How fast do the hampsters run in your head? Brilliant.