Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Adjusting back ...

Yesterday I used the word "cheeky" twice and responded to multiple questions with the phrase "that would be lovely!".

I also attempted to pay for a People magazine in leftover British pounds and then stared blankly at the cashier as to why he would not except my monies. Bust.

There are Swiss chocolate wrappers in literally every single pocket of my suitcase and I'm anxiously awaiting the moment when my laundry is going to
miraculously walk itself down to the cleaner.

The +6 hour issue definitely had my "feedings" all outta wack ... at breakfast I was craving lunch and by dinner I was craving my bed and a pillow to drool on. Sleep has never felt so dreamy!

I'm hoping today that my neck will find my head, the two will re-become besties, and we will all officially adjust back to reality :)

One can hope,

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