Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Apparently, I Have Curly Hair! Who Knew?

So, I've always known my hair
has some sort of bizarre waviness to it ...

but I've always been more of a
"rushed-ponytail, on-the-go"
type a girl

I mean, my hair and I just kinda co-exist,
I'd say we've always had a pretty complacent relationship ...
Until yesterday!

Yep, yep, yep
My friend, Mel

is a miracle worker :)

She works at Devachan,
a salon that specializes in curly hair
and offered to give me a new do for the Spring season :)
(ahem, ahem ... Dear Spring, please get here soon!!)

Check out her amazingness:

First the cut ...
Ummm, who knew Cousin It was hiding on my head?!?

Then the rinse:

And then ...
a whole lotta Taaaaa-daaaaa action :)


I basically walked home feeling like this:


Mel, you are one in a million my love :)
Thank you again and again!

If you are livin' in or just vistin' Zoo York,
I highly suggest contacting Miss Mel Mabry for your new do:

You will not be left disappointed!


Unknown said...

Nice do!

Kev-o said...

Looks great chica!